Monday, July 27, 2009

Pride in Making a Living, Working with Their Hands

There's a neat article in yesterday's Pacific Northwest magazine that details the work of a few local craftspeople entitled Honest Work: Mastering a Trade, Making a Good Living by Tyrone Beason.

The article shares the vocations of Louie Raffloer and Mary Gioia, blacksmith owners at Black Dog Forge, Javier Heras and Jose Rodriguez, upholsterers at A.W. Hoss and Son, Inc., and Chef Paul Fung who tirelessly hand-forms rice noodles at Hing Loon Chinese Restaurant.

The article reminds me not only of President Obama's reference to "the doers, the makers of things" in his inauguration speech, but also of a visit by Governor Gregoire to a local Hispanic Chamber breakfast about a year ago.

She said, in essence, that these vocations are a necessary and important part of what makes this society work, and that our push to get everyone into a four-year university just isn't every person's path. She encouraged us to re-think that idealogy and realize the significance of having tradespeople skilled and ready to work.

There's a special pride to working with one's hands, and it's not something all of us are cut out to do. But for those of us who are, trade school is a respectable path that produces skilled workers our economy needs.

If you're interested in reading more, check out the article online.

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