Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Countdown to Seattle Int'l Latino Film Festival!

The first-ever Seattle International Latino Film Festival is nearly here!
  • It begins tomorrow evening with a big splash, goes through the entire weekend and ends Monday.
  • There are some 40 films total (feature-length and shorts) from 11 countries.
  • Four fabulous theaters are participating: Harvard Exit, Northwest Film Forum, Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center, and the Cinerama.
This is just the kind of film festival Seattle has been wanting for over a decade now! Let's show the organizers that we are their audience, and attend this event! Four-day passes are just $125, and screenings are $10. Get your tickets now and make a plan to participate in the Festival's debut!

TaniaMaria Rosario of CineSeattle says they still need more volunteers. Please contact her direclty if you can give two hours of your time! or (888) TMR-1118.

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